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1 / 18Driver mobile app: menu, ride request and ride in progressAll images ➜
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2 / 18Dispatcher home page: Control Center in full HDAll images ➜
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3 / 18Administration with a tablet: editing driver details
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4 / 18Driver app flow: picking up a customer
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5 / 18Driver app flow: finishing a ride
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6 / 18Driver app flow: a payment within the application
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7 / 18Driver app flow: other states
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8 / 18Assigning four-digit vehicle code to ride requests
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9 / 18Control Center: info popover
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10 / 18User profile edit
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11 / 18User profile edit
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12 / 18Administration of dispatchers (Agents)
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13 / 18Read-only view: Agent details
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14 / 18Drivers earnings reports
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15 / 18Detailed driver report: earnings by day
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16 / 18Dispatcher home page: Control Center on a laptop
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17 / 18Dispatcher home page: user popover
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18 / 18Control Center on a big 2560 x 1440 display: user popover
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